Arguably the first use of poetry was witchcraft. Artists know a poem's birth can be magic.

Trinity Star Trinity re-invents the rhythms of the ancient ode as "trinity cubed"— 27 poems of 27 words each.

Dedicated to Hera, the last of the Goddesses before a 2,500 year reign of male deities, Trinity Star Trinity envisions a four-dimensional faith where spirit and muse are in dialogue and devotion in mutual extase.

Published by London-based Scarlet Imprint, leading imprint of Occult texts. Hardcover and paperback editions are available here. Learn more in the Five-Starred Occulture Podcast #71.

Performances of Trinity Star Trinity are offered as invocations to Hera and the Divine Feminine with candlelight and incense. Watch the sold-out London performance here.

Most recently, Trinity has been performed alongside electronic music at TedX San Miguel Allende and MetalX San Juan. De Kai of ReOreintate created a musical backdrop of “all threes” (bars of 3, beats of 3, pulses of 3, etcetera) to support the “trinity cubed”. The combination is a mesmerizing, hypnotic offering to Hera.