Past Life AstroTwins represent what humanity is capable of.

(watch the video)

An interactive, historical art piece.

Bridging ancient with contemporary in art and practice.

in awe of our many excellent ghosts


who were you in a past life?


in awe of our many excellent ghosts 〰️ who were you in a past life? 〰️

Take our quiz to contemplate who you might have been :


Each sun, moon, and rising combination has a unique Past Life AstroTwin.

If you love astrology, you have encountered the contemporary AstroTwin meme before.

You have taken an astrology quiz.

But you have never seen it as interactive art.







To celebrate the launch of The Ratio : a limited series, hand-curated collection of art.






AIR 〰️

The Ratio does Data Science on Astrology.

This means we test the underlying assumptions of astrology.

We are quite the historical endeavor.

Testing the world’s oldest thought system, the world’s oldest math problem, at scale.

Using the same technology big tech firms use every day.

Applied to human mythos, the most continuous human history, globally.

Something worthy of commemoration.

A meaning in time and in space.

The oldest meaning in time and in space.

Past Life AstroTwins represent what humanity is capable of.

And we are now capable of testing astrology.

Take your place in thousands of years of human history


Take your place in thousands of years of human history 〰️









Take 〰️ the 〰️ QUIZ 〰️ TheRatio.Space 〰️

visit TheRatio.Space to discover your personal AstroTwin

For more info about the Past Life AstroTwin Pre-Sale

please fill out the form